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Black-Eyed Susan | Native Wildflower Seeds
Black-Eyed Susan | Native Wildflower Seeds
Sustainably hand-harvested Rudbeckia hirta seeds. Host for bordered patch, silvery checkerspot, and gorgone checkerspot butterflies. Nectar source for bees and butterflies. Birds eat seeds. Full sun to part shade. Drought tolerant. Excellent pioneer plant for new gardens. Blooms June-October. Depending on the plant and growth conditions, can be an annual, biennial or short lived perennial. Easily self seeds. Up to 2 feet tall.
Black-eyed Susan seeds require a month of cold, moist stratification before germination. This can be done naturally by leaving the seeds outside all winter, or artificially by refrigerating them in a moist paper towel until they sprout. Transfer the seeds to soil as soon as they sprout.
Each packet contains approximately 1,000 seeds.